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Tlas'a Metsi a Phaphamang ABS Plastic Buoy Bakeng sa Deep-sea Mooring System

Li-Buoys tsa Mooring

Tlas'a Metsi a Phaphamang ABS Plastic Buoy Bakeng sa Deep-sea Mooring System

Boitsebiso: Buoy e entsoe ka polasetiki ea ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), e nang le matla a phahameng, ho tšoarella le ho hanyetsa tšusumetso.

Booyancy: Li-buoy li etselitsoe hore li be matla ka ho lekaneng hore li ka phaphamala holim'a metsi ha li emisitsoe sebakeng. Sena se etsa hore e tsitse le maoatleng a befileng.

Botsitso: Hangata li-buoy tsa leoatleng li na le meralo e bonolo ho fokotsa litlamorao tsa maqhubu le maqhubu, ho fana ka botsitso bo ntlafetseng maemong a thata a maoatle. Corrosion Resistance: Thepa ea polasetiki ea ABS ea buoy e hanyetsana le kutu, mahlaseli a kotsi a UV le lik'hemik'hale tse fumanehang hangata leoatleng, e leng se etsang hore e tšoanelehe bakeng sa ho tsamaisoa ha nako e telele libakeng tse tebileng tsa leoatle.


    Bolibeng ba leoatle bo phaphametseng ba polasetiki ea ABSke li-buoy tse entsoeng ka thepa ea polasetiki ea ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), e etselitsoeng ka ho khetheha ho mamella maemo a thata a tikoloho e tebileng ea leoatle.

    Plastiki ea ABS e tsejoa ka matla a eona a phahameng, ho tšoarella le ho hanyetsa tšusumetso, e lumellang buoy ho mamella matla a maqhubu, maqhubu le maemo a leholimo a thata. Sena se etsa hore e be se loketseng bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse tebileng tsa leoatle moo buoy e tla pepesehela khatello e feteletseng le maemo a tikoloho.

    Buoy e etselitsoe ho phaphamala holim'a metsi ha e ntse e emisitsoe, e fana ka sethala se tsitsitseng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse fapaneng. Likopo tsena li kenyelletsa lipatlisiso tsa maoatle, lits'ebetso tsa ho beha leihlo ka tlas'a metsi, tlhahlobo ea oli le khase, tlhahlobo ea maoatle le likhokahano tse ka tlas'a metsi.

    Li-buoy tsa polasetiki tsa ABS tse phaphametseng metsing a leoatle hangata li na le libopeho tse bonolo tse fanang ka ts'ebetso e betere le botsitso maoatleng a leoatle a befileng. Hangata li na le lisebelisoa tse kang liphanele tsa letsatsi bakeng sa phepelo ea matla, mabone a ho sesa hore a bonahale, le li-sensor tsa ho beha leihlo lintlha tse kang mocheso oa metsi, letsoai le bophahamo ba maqhubu.

    Ka kakaretso, li-buoys tsa polasetiki tsa ABS tse phaphametseng botebong ba leoatle ke lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa bakeng sa ho bokella lintlha tsa bohlokoa, ho ts'ehetsa ts'ebetso ea ka tlas'a metsi, le ho netefatsa polokeho le ho nepahala ha mesebetsi e fapaneng ea maoatle.


    Lebitso la Sehlahiswa Diameter(inch) Diameter(mm) Hole Dia.(mm) Boloi(kg) CBM/100PCS
    Setsi sa Hole Series 5.5" 135 16 1.3 0.246
    6" 150 19 1.6 0.337
    7" 175 19 2 0.535
    8" 200 20 4 0.8
    9" 225 mashome a mabeli a metso e meraro 6 1.139
    10" 250 25 8 1.562
    11" 280 25 10 2.192
    12" 300 25 12 2.7
    Two End Eyes Series 11" 280 16 10 2.192
    13" 330 26 16.5 3.593
    14'' 360 30 mashome a mabeli le metso e 'meli 4.665
    Letoto la Mahlo a Mane 12" 300 mashome a mabeli le metso e 'meli 12 2.7
    13" 330 mashome a mabeli le metso e mene 16.5 3.593
    18'' 450 26 44 9.112
